Results for 'M. Caren Connolly'

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  1.  7
    Wisconsin's Own: Twenty Remarkable Homes.M. Caren Connolly, Louis Wasserman & Zane Williams - 2010 - Wisconsin Historical Society Press.
    These twenty homes, built between 1854 and 1939, represent the varied architecture in Wisconsin. They offer an intimate tour of residential treasures-- built for captains of industry, a beer baron, Broadway stars, and more-- that have endured the test of time.
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    Sum-Difference Theory of Remembering and Knowing: A Two-Dimensional Signal-Detection Model.Caren M. Rotello, Neil A. Macmillan & John A. Reeder - 2004 - Psychological Review 111 (3):588-616.
  3.  45
    Explaining prompts children to privilege inductively rich properties.Caren M. Walker, Tania Lombrozo, Cristine H. Legare & Alison Gopnik - 2014 - Cognition 133 (2):343-357.
    Two studies examined the specificity of effects of explanation on learning by prompting 3- to 6-year-old children to explain a mechanical toy and comparing what they learned about the toy’s causal and non-causal properties to children who only observed the toy, both with and without accompanying verbalization. In Study 1, children were experimentally assigned to either explain or observe the mechanical toy. In Study 2, children were classified according to whether the content of their response to an undirected prompt involved (...)
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    Discriminating relational and perceptual judgments: Evidence from human toddlers.Caren M. Walker & Alison Gopnik - 2017 - Cognition 166 (C):23-27.
    The ability to represent same-different relations is an important condition for abstract thought. However, there is mixed evidence for when this ability develops, both ontogenetically and phylogenetically. Apparent success in relational reasoning may be evidence for genuine conceptual understanding or may be the result of low-level, perceptual strategies. We introduce a method to discriminate these possibilities by pitting two conditions that are perceptually matched but conceptually different: in a "fused" condition, same and different objects are joined, creating single objects that (...)
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    Can a perceptual task be used to infer conceptual representations?: A reply to Glorioso, Kuznar, Pavlic, & Povinelli.Caren M. Walker & Alison Gopnik - 2021 - Cognition 214 (C):104414.
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  6. Blackwell Encyclopedia of Political Thought.M. T. Gibbons, D. Coole, W. E. Connolly & E. Ellis (eds.) - 2015 - Blackwell.
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    Explaining the moral of the story.Caren M. Walker & Tania Lombrozo - 2017 - Cognition 167 (C):266-281.
    Although storybooks are often used as pedagogical tools for conveying moral lessons to children, the ability to spontaneously extract "the moral" of a story develops relatively late. Instead, children tend to represent stories at a concrete level - one that highlights surface features and understates more abstract themes. Here we examine the role of explanation in 5- and 6-year-old children's developing ability to learn the moral of a story. Two experiments demonstrate that, relative to a control condition, prompts to explain (...)
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  8. Marianne Paget: A Complex Sorrow.M. Connolly - 1996 - Human Studies 19 (4):467-470.
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    Money in--babies out: assessing the long-term economic impact of IVF-conceived children.M. Connolly, S. Hoorens & W. Ledger - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (9):653-654.
    We welcome Ms Smajdor’s critique into our investigations of expected future tax gains to the state from children conceived by in vitro fertilisation .1 To better inform the JME readership, we wish to correct some misinterpretations of our research by Smajdor, and to highlight some weaknesses of current IVF funding policies.Our investigation sought to establish the long-term net tax contribution from an IVF-conceived child, assuming that the child was average in every respect .2 We conducted this analysis on the basis (...)
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    The early emergence and puzzling decline of relational reasoning: Effects of knowledge and search on inferring abstract concepts.Caren M. Walker, Sophie Bridgers & Alison Gopnik - 2016 - Cognition 156 (C):30-40.
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    Traditional difference-score analyses of reasoning are flawed.Evan Heit & Caren M. Rotello - 2014 - Cognition 131 (1):75-91.
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    How to Help Young Children Ask Better Questions?Azzurra Ruggeri, Caren M. Walker, Tania Lombrozo & Alison Gopnik - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    In this paper, we investigate the informativeness of 4- to 6-year-old children’s questions using a combined qualitative and quantitative approach. Children were presented with a hierarchical version of the 20-questions game, in which they were given an array of objects that could be organized into three category levels based on shared features. We then tested whether it is possible to scaffold children’s question-asking abilities without extensive training. In particular, we supported children’s categorization performance by providing the object-related features needed to (...)
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  13.  19
    Living Without Why: Meister Eckhart's Critique of the Medieval Concept of Will.John M. Connolly - 2014 - New York, US: Oup Usa.
    "Live without why!" advised Meister Eckhart . Arguing from classical philosophy and the Christian tradition, he opposed the views of Augustine and Aquinas. Connolly's book, the first to deal fully with the topic, discusses what Eckhart meant, how he justified it, and why it was condemned.
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    Eudaimonism, Teleology, and the Pursuit of Happiness.John M. Connolly - 2009 - Faith and Philosophy 26 (3):274-296.
    Recent interest among both philosophers and the wider public in the tradition of virtue ethics often takes its inspiration from Aristotle or from Thomas Aquinas. In this essay I briefly outline the ethical approaches of these two towering figures, and then describe more fully the virtue ethics of Meister Eckhart, a medieval thinker who admired, though critically, both Aristotle and Aquinas. His related but distinctively original approach to the virtuous life is marked by a striking and seemingly paradoxical injunction to (...)
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    The belief bias effect is aptly named: A reply to Klauer and Kellen (2011).Chad Dube, Caren M. Rotello & Evan Heit - 2011 - Psychological Review 118 (1):155-163.
  16.  29
    Anomaly and folk psychology.John M. Connolly - 1993 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 36 (1):179 – 198.
    (1993). Anomaly and folk psychology∗. Inquiry: Vol. 36, No. 1-2, pp. 179-198.
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    The pervasive effects of argument length on inductive reasoning.Evan Heit & Caren M. Rotello - 2012 - Thinking and Reasoning 18 (3):244 - 277.
    Three experiments examined the influence of argument length on plausibility judgements, in a category-based induction task. The general results were that when arguments were logically invalid they were considered stronger when they were longer, but for logically valid arguments longer arguments were considered weaker. In Experiments 1a and 1b when participants were forewarned to avoid using length as a cue to judging plausibility, they still did so. Indeed, participants given the opposite instructions did not follow those instructions either. In Experiment (...)
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  18.  20
    Informative experimentation in intuitive science: Children select and learn from their own causal interventions.Elizabeth Lapidow & Caren M. Walker - 2020 - Cognition 201 (C):104315.
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  19. The Strange of Political Theory: Response.W. E. Connolly, K. M. McClure, E. Kiss, M. Gillespie & S. Benhabib - 1995 - Political Theory 23:636-688.
  20.  2
    Human history and the word of God.James M. Connolly - 1965 - New York,: Macmillan.
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    Gadamer and the author's authority: A language-game approach.John M. Connolly - 1986 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 44 (3):271-277.
  22.  27
    Explanation impacts hypothesis generation, but not evaluation, during learning.Erik Brockbank & Caren M. Walker - 2022 - Cognition 225 (C):105100.
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  23. Philosophy/Psychology Collaboration (Network for Sensory Research Toronto Workshop on Perceptual Learning: Question Five).Kevin Connolly, John Donaldson, David M. Gray, Emily McWilliams, Sofia Ortiz-Hinojosa & David Suarez - manuscript
    This is an excerpt from a report that highlights and explores five questions which arose from the workshop on perceptual learning and perceptual recognition at the University of Toronto, Mississauga on May 10th and 11th, 2012. This excerpt explores the question: How can philosophers and psychologists most fruitfully collaborate?
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  24. Closed-Loop Targeted Memory Reactivation during Sleep Improves Spatial Navigation.Renee E. Shimizu, Patrick M. Connolly, Nicola Cellini, Diana M. Armstrong, Lexus T. Hernandez, Rolando Estrada, Mario Aguilar, Michael P. Weisend, Sara C. Mednick & Stephen B. Simons - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  25. Cognitive Penetration? (Network for Sensory Research Toronto Workshop on Perceptual Learning: Question Four).Kevin Connolly, John Donaldson, David M. Gray, Emily McWilliams, Sofia Ortiz-Hinojosa & David Suarez - manuscript
    This is an excerpt from a report that highlights and explores five questions which arose from the workshop on perceptual learning and perceptual recognition at the University of Toronto, Mississauga on May 10th and 11th, 2012. This excerpt explores the question: What counts as cognitive penetration?
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    David Hume and the Concept of Volition.John M. Connolly & Thomas Keutner - 1987 - Hume Studies 13 (2):275-275.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:275 DAVID HUME AND THE CONCEPT OF VOLITION Introduction The following two papers, though separately authored, belong together, not only because we, the authors, shared our views during the writing, but also because they are excerpts from a single story we are interested in telling. This is the story of a particular insight into the conceptual structure of human volition — the will. The insight is that volition — (...)
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  27. Multi-Sensory Integration and Time (Network for Sensory Research Toronto Workshop on Perceptual Learning: Question Three).Kevin Connolly, John Donaldson, David M. Gray, Emily McWilliams, Sofia Ortiz-Hinojosa & David Suarez - manuscript
    This is an excerpt from a report that highlights and explores five questions which arose from the workshop on perceptual learning and perceptual recognition at the University of Toronto, Mississauga on May 10th and 11th, 2012. This excerpt explores the question: Does our representation of time provide and amodal framework for multi-sensory integration?
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    The Will as Impression.John M. Connolly - 1987 - Hume Studies 13 (2):276-305.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:276 THE WILL AS IMPRESSION Hume writes, in the Treatise: Let no one, therefore, put an invidious construction on my words, by saying simply, that I assert the necessity of human actions, and place them on the same footing with the operations of senseless matter. I do not ascribe to the will that unintelligible necessity, which is suppos'd to lie in matter. But I ascribe to matter, that intelligible (...)
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    Deciding about decision models of remember and know judgments: A reply to Murdock (2006).Neil A. Macmillan & Caren M. Rotello - 2006 - Psychological Review 113 (3):657-664.
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  30. Integrating text and pictorial information: eye movements when looking at print advertisements.Keith Rayner, Caren M. Rotello, Andrew J. Stewart, Jessica Keir & Susan A. Duffy - 2001 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 7 (3):219.
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    The effect of controllability and causality on counterfactual thinking.Caren A. Frosch, Suzanne M. Egan & Emily N. Hancock - 2015 - Thinking and Reasoning 21 (3):317-340.
    Previous research on counterfactual thoughts about prevention suggests that people tend to focus on enabling rather than causing events and controllable rather than uncontrollable events. Two experiments explore whether counterfactual thinking about enablers is distinct from counterfactual thinking about controllable events. We presented participants with scenarios in which a cause and an enabler contributed to a negative outcome. We systematically manipulated the controllability of the cause and the enabler and asked participants to generate counterfactuals. The results indicate that when only (...)
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  32. Whither Action theory.John M. Connolly - 1991 - Journal of Philosophical Research 16:85-106.
    The problem of ‘wayward causal chains’ threatens any causal analysis of the concept of intentional human action. For such chains show that the mere causation of an action by the right sort of belief and/or desire does not make the action intentional, i.e. one done in order to attain the object of desire. Now if the ‘because’ in ‘wayward’ action-explanations is straightforwardly causal, that might be argued to indicate by contrast that the different ‘because’ of reasons-explanations (which both explain and (...)
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    Adam Smith on Wealth and Authority.John M. Connolly - 1979 - Philosophy Research Archives 5:461-471.
    There is a question over whether or not Adam Smith, in The Wealth of Nations (1776), contended that the rich devise structures of authority (especially civil government) to protect their wealth. At issue is whether significant, private wealth can exist prior to forms of authority. Smith seems to me not to have thought so. It is true that he asserts that, "antecedent to any civil institutions", superiority of fortune can "give some men superiority over the greater part of their brethren" (...)
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    Hermeneutics versus Science? Three German Views.John M. Connolly & Thomas Keutner - 1989 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 47 (1):100.
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    Essays in Hermeneutics and Critical Theory. [REVIEW]John M. Connolly - 1991 - Philosophical Review 100 (4):668-670.
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    II. Praxis and Intention.John M. Connolly - 1979 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 22 (1-4):366-378.
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  37. The Unity of Consciousness and Sensory Integration: Conference Report.Kevin Connolly, Craig French, David M. Gray & Adrienne Prettyman - manuscript
    This report highlights and explores five questions which arose from The Unity of Consciousness and Sensory Integration conference at Brown University in November of 2011: 1. What is the relationship between the unity of consciousness and sensory integration? 2. Are some of the basic units of consciousness multimodal? 3. How should we model the unity of consciousness? 4. Is the mechanism of sensory integration spatio-temporal? 5. How Should We Study Experience, Given Unity Relations?
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  38. Editorial.John M. Connolly - 1979 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 22 (1/2):1.
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  39. Multimodal Building Blocks? (Network for Sensory Research/Brown University Workshop on Unity of Consciousness, Question 2).Kevin Connolly, Craig French, David M. Gray & Adrienne Prettyman - manuscript
    This is an excerpt of a report that highlights and explores five questions which arose from The Unity of Consciousness and Sensory Integration conference at Brown University in November of 2011. This portion of the report explores the question: Are some of the basic units of consciousness multimodal?
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  40. Space, Time, and Sensory Integration (Network for Sensory Research/Brown University Workshop on Unity of Consciousness, Question 4).Kevin Connolly, Craig French, David M. Gray & Adrienne Prettyman - manuscript
    This is an excerpt of a report that highlights and explores five questions which arose from The Unity of Consciousness and Sensory Integration conference at Brown University in November of 2011. This portion of the report explores the question: Is the mechanism of sensory integration spatio-temporal?
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  41. Studying Experience as Unified (Network for Sensory Research/Brown University Workshop on Unity of Consciousness, Question 5).Kevin Connolly, Craig French, David M. Gray & Adrienne Prettyman - manuscript
    This is an excerpt of a report that highlights and explores five questions which arose from The Unity of Consciousness and Sensory Integration conference at Brown University in November of 2011. This portion of the report explores the question: How should we study experience, given unity relations?
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  42. Modeling the Unity of Consciousness (Network for Sensory Research/Brown University Workshop on Unity of Consciousness, Question 3).Kevin Connolly, Craig French, David M. Gray & Adrienne Prettyman - manuscript
    This is an excerpt of a report that highlights and explores five questions which arose from The Unity of Consciousness and Sensory Integration conference at Brown University in November of 2011. This portion of the report explores the question: How should we model the unity of consciousness?
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    A dialectical approach to action theory.John M. Connolly - 1976 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 19 (1-4):427 – 442.
    Recent work in the theory of action by analytical philosophers has focused on explaining actions by citing the agent's motivating reason(s). But this ignores a pattern of explanation typical in the social sciences, i.e. situating the agent in a reference group whose members typically manifest that behavior. In some cases the behavior of such groups can itself be shown to be the product of social forces. Two extended examples of this explanatory pattern are studied. In each case the motivating reasons (...)
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  44. Recognizing Emotion in Music (Network for Sensory Research Toronto Workshop on Perceptual Learning: Question Six).Kevin Connolly, John Donaldson, David M. Gray, Emily McWilliams, Sofia Ortiz-Hinojosa & David Suarez - manuscript
    This is an excerpt from a report that highlights and explores five questions which arose from the workshop on perceptual learning and perceptual recognition at the University of Toronto, Mississauga on May 10th and 11th, 2012. This excerpt explores the question: How do we recognize distinct types of emotion in music?
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  45. Report on the Network for Sensory Research Toronto Workshop on Perceptual Learning.Kevin Connolly, John Donaldson, David M. Gray, Emily McWilliams, Sofia Ortiz-Hinojosa & David Suarez - manuscript
    This report highlights and explores five questions which arose from the workshop on perceptual learning and perceptual recognition at the University of Toronto, Mississauga on May 10th and 11th, 2012: 1. How should we demarcate perceptual learning from perceptual development? 2. What are the origins of multimodal associations? 3. Does our representation of time provide an amodal framework for multi-sensory integration? 4. What counts as cognitive penetration? 5. How can philosophers and psychologists most fruitfully collaborate?
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  46. Multimodal Associations (Network for Sensory Research Toronto Workshop on Perceptual Learning: Question Two).Kevin Connolly, John Donaldson, David M. Gray, Emily McWilliams, Sofia Ortiz-Hinojosa & David Suarez - manuscript
    This is an excerpt from a report that highlights and explores five questions which arose from the workshop on perceptual learning and perceptual recognition at the University of Toronto, Mississauga on May 10th and 11th, 2012. This excerpt explores the question: What are the origins of multimodal associations?
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    Human history and the word of God.James M. Connolly - 1965 - New York,: Macmillan.
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    Assessing the belief bias effect with ROCs: It's a response bias effect.Chad Dube, Caren M. Rotello & Evan Heit - 2010 - Psychological Review 117 (3):831-863.
  49. Engagement in Philosophical Dialogue Facilitates Children's Reasoning about Subjectivity.Thomas E. Wartenberg, Caren M. Walker & Ellen Winner - 2012 - Developmental Psychology 1:1-10.
  50.  18
    "Decision-making models of remember-know judgments: Comment on Rotello, Macmillan, and Reeder (2004)": Reply to postscript.Neil A. Macmillan & Caren M. Rotello - 2006 - Psychological Review 113 (3):664-665.
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